Category: Scenery

Dungeon Tiles

What's behind the door?..........

Dungeon Tiles and Doors
Examples of the dungeon tiles and doors I made for dungeon adventures. These were made in a similar way to the Grass Tiles using foam board, mount board and a lot of grey primer. The edges were drybrushed with a lighter grey which, by the end of the 30th tile, left my large drybrush looking a little worse for wear…

Seawell Peninsula Tiles

These tiles were made for the wreck ashore adventure. Truth be told, they took less than two days to make, using 3 cans of spray paint, 5 sheets of foamboard, PVA glue, sand, flock and some good old fashioned drybrush techniques. All the tiles measure 4″ x 4″ and have textured bases so they won’t move about when placed on the black gaming cloth.

Ahoy there!

Seawell Peninsula

Here are some close ups of some of the more interesting tiles


Complete with skull and rusty spear


The shiny water was created with a combination of PVA and gloss varnish

Solution Hole

The legendary solution hole, which spawned a ‘gator that killed half our party in the opening minutes of the adventure


I’m not sure why this got created, out of boredom I believe. Maybe the DM could introduce it somehow…